
Survey & Investigation

Survey and investigation are conducted to collect data as part of study or design works

Survey & Investigation need to be carried out as an initial orientation to get an overview and information on various conditions at the location which include the boundaries of the planning area, land use conditions, topography, road network as transportation access around the area, rivers as estuaries for rainwater runoff, existing bridges, existing culverts, existing canals, telecommunication facilities, substations and water sources. 

Secondary data collection also needed to support the preparation of the Master Plan and Estate Regulation. The data includes but not limited to ; Existing Block Plan drawing format, Bathymetry Map drawing format and tidal data such as HWL, MSL, and LWL as well as current velocity and wave height, Land Boundary Map drawing format, Existing Soil Data and Result of Market Study Analysis. 

Existing Condition Review and Analysis will follows after survey and collecting data. The consultant will coordinate with related institutes and agencies to the availability of existing infrastructure on site and for data alignment with current needs and development plans


We have developed more than 25 parameters to ensure your projects run in solid fundamental

Reconnaissance Site Survey

Get an overview and information on various conditions at the location.

Data Collection

Secondary data collection needed to support the preparation of the Masterplan and Estate Regulation.

Existing Condition Review & Analysis

Existing Condition Review and Analysis will follows after survey and collecting data.